Dear Chris,
Thanks again for your input! I have bookmarked your very useful pages.
I realize that ASL is complicated, and fields we’d like to have for BIDS may simply not be available in the DICOM headers.
We are running a Siemens Skyra 3T with Syngo MR VE11c. The engineers have some relatively new Siemens PASL sequence. I’ve posted an example here of the dicoms:
I just downloaded the newest version of dcm2niix v1.0.20211006 Clang12.0.5 x86-64 (64-bit MacOS), and it does generate the “ArterialSpinLabelingType”: “PASL” field, but not many of the other fields requested by BIDS.
gdcmdump reveals several more fields that are hidden in the Siemens private information tag (ASL Crusher Flag, ASL Bolus Cut-off Flag, ASL Bolus Cut-off Technique, ASL Bolus Cut-off Delay Time, and ASL Slab Thickness):
gdcmdump -i IM-0004-0033.dcm --csa-asl --print
# Dicom-File-Format
# Dicom-Meta-Information-Header
# Used TransferSyntax:
# Dicom-Data-Set
# Used TransferSyntax: Unknown Transfer Syntax
(0018,9251) SQ (Sequence with undefined length) # u/l,1 MR Arterial Spin Labeling Sequence
(fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length)
(0018,9252) LO [3D pulsed ASL (TGSE)] # 20,1 ASL Technique Description
(0018,9257) CS [CONTROL ] # 8,1 ASL Context
(0018,9259) CS [NO] # 2,1 ASL Crusher Flag
(0018,925c) CS [YES ] # 4,1 ASL Bolus Cut-off Flag
(0018,925d) SQ (Sequence with undefined length) # u/l,1 ASL Bolus Cut-off Timing Sequence
(fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length)
(0018,925e) LO [Q2TIPS] # 6,1 ASL Bolus Cut-off Technique
(0018,925f) IS (UL) [2740] # 4,1 ASL Bolus Cut-off Delay Time
(0018,9260) SQ (Sequence with undefined length) # u/l,1 ASL Slab Sequence
(fffe,e000) na (Item with undefined length)
(0018,9253) US 1 # 2,1 ASL Slab Number
(0018,9254) FD 172.8 # 8,1 ASL Slab Thickness
(0018,9255) FD 0\-0\1 # 24,3 ASL Slab Orientation
(0018,9256) FD 6.04978\-0.596796\-59.7034 # 24,3 ASL Mid Slab Position
(0018,9258) IS (UL) [10] # 2,1 ASL Pulse Train Duration
Is there any way for dcm2niix to extract these?
Thanks so much for creating the crucial dcm2niix! Clearly, it forms a critical piece of the whole BIDS infrastructure.