EffectiveEchoSpacing and TotalReadoutTime definitions

Hi all,

I am trying to find out how to compute EffectiveEchoSpacing and TotalReadoutTime for my BOLD data. So far I have failed to find a reference that gives a formula for these, I have heard that different softwares have different definitions so I am especially looking for references that are compatible with fmriprep (/sdcflows) distortion correction.

Many thanks,

Hi @hugofluhr

These are two references I like for these definitions:

This post seems to be very complete too:

Here are the sdcflows docs on methods we can use to determine the TRT:


If you are using dcm2niix, you may have gotten EstimatedEchoSpacing. dcm2niix is conservative and will not claim a EchoSpacing when it is not directly in the DICOMs, but you can rename it to EchoSpacing if you want sdcflows to pick it up.

Thank you both for these references, I will look at them in more details!

For GEHC dataset, EffectiveEchoSpacing and TotalReadoutTime documented here:
Also, dcm2niix reports these in BIDS JSON for GEHC