Hi all, I’m completely new to nilearn and can’t get nilearn’s NiftiMasker
class to work properly according to my needs. I want to extract ROI voxels from a 4D niimg object, where the 4th dimension represents different subjects. I also have one single niimg-object which serves as a template for the mask. I already set up a binary niimg mask object telling which voxels should be ‘cut out’ from each subjects 3D matrix and which can be ‘ignored’. I wrote the following code which solves the problem but is only a temporary solution since I actually wanted to use nilearn’s NiftiMasker
(I want to stick as much as possible to nilearn’s build-in functions and want to avoid self-made solutions whenever possible). So this is my working code:
def cut(nifti_imgs,nifti_mask):
# get mask labels
nifti_mask_data = nifti_mask.get_data()
# set output variable
# FIXME: It would be better to already set up an 'empty' 4D nifti image object
# https://nipy.org/nibabel/reference/nibabel.nifti1.html#nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image
roi_nifti_imgs = list()
# iterate through each subject's 3D array and apply mask
# FIXME: Is image.iter_img() the fasted method when iterating over 4D nifti file?
for img in image.iter_img(nifti_imgs):
img_data = img.get_data()
roi_nifti_data = np.where(nifti_mask_data == 1,img_data,0)
roi_nifti_img = image.new_img_like(img,roi_nifti_data)
# concatente list of 3D objects to one 4D object
roi_nifti_imgs = image.concat_imgs(roi_nifti_imgs)
return roi_nifti_imgs
I read the article Computing a Region of Interest (ROI) mask manually from nilearn’s User Guide and thought maybe I could use NiftiLabelsMasker
like in the article only that in my case I only have a binary iimg mask (instead of ROI labels 1,2,3,…) and the 4th dimension does not represent a time series but different subjects. So I wrote the following code, which doesn’t work but returns a n_subjects * 1 array:
def masker_cut(nifti_imgs,nifti_mask):
# create NiftiLabelsMasker instance and call .fit() method
# FIXME: Use only needed arguments (masker's job is ONLY to cut out,
# not to transform data!)
masker = NiftiLabelsMasker(nifti_mask)
roi_nifti_imgs = masker.transform(nifti_imgs)
return roi_nifti_imgs
Did I just make a coding mistake here or am I using the NiftiLabelsMasker class wrong? Is there any other Nifti*Masker class which serves my needs? Any help is much appreciated!