Yes, it is a .fsf file but I couldn’t share that file here so I uploaded it in .txt extension for you to review.
I hope so too - I already got in touch with them.
Thank you once again for your guidance and support.
Yes, it is a .fsf file but I couldn’t share that file here so I uploaded it in .txt extension for you to review.
I hope so too - I already got in touch with them.
Thank you once again for your guidance and support.
I tried adding a mask (run-1 brain mask in the MNI152NLin6Asym space file) in the post-stat stage but the red lines in the registration images are still misaligned.
Hi again,
I ran the higher-level analysis and I want to make sure the analysis was carried out correctly. I have a question related to voxel intensity. How do I check this as well as the data dimension and pixel size?
Thank you in advance for your help.
You can check the voxel dimensions in the terminal by running fslinfo <insert nii.gz file here>
. You can check the intensity of the voxels in fsleyes and compare the intensity of a voxel at the same location in the two files mentioned in your screenshot.
Thank you so much for your response, @aftonnelson.
I’ve taken a screenshot but I don’t know which ones of these are the voxel dimensions? Is it dim1, dim2, dim3 and dim4 or is it pixdim1, pixdim2, pixdim3 and pixdim4?
Also, how do I check the data dimension and pixel size of mean_func? Is there a code I can use?
pixdim1, pixdim2, pixdim3 are your voxel dimensions. pixdim4 is your TR.
dim1-3 are the number of voxels in the different dimensions (x,y,z) and dim4 is the number of time points.
You can also use fslinfo to check the dimensions of mean_func.
The dimension of mean_func are the same. Please see screenshot below:
.From this information, it seems that the higher-level analysis were correctly conducted right?
It does seem the dimensions are the same of all your files, which is a good sign. As long as you also checked your voxel intensities and they align, it seems it worked.
Thank you for confirming that the voxel dimensions of all my files are the same. In fsleyes, are these the voxel intensities?
Yes, in this case, the values on the right are the voxel intensities.