GSoC 2024 Project Idea 18.2 Improve Brian’s markdown exporter (175 h)

Hi @mstimberg,
Thanks for your insights, I have started working on the suggestions and will provide the updated proposal soon.

Hi @mstimberg ,
I have incorporated the suggested changes, and have included all the pending sections kindly review it and guide me if it needs further changes, it can be accessed via the same link

Hi @mstimberg ,
Surely i will include the suggested changes.

Hi @mstimberg @greg_incf
I have submitted my proposal at gsoc portal, kindly let me know if any sort of clarification required from my side. Meanwhile I focus on the reference research paper shared by Marcel regarding model description.

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Hi @mstimberg ,
I have made changes inspired from the research paper given on the model description side.

Hi Sparsh,
I wrote you an email last week (to the address given on the summer of code portal), did you receive it? I was on vacation and did not have easy access to neurostars from my phone. Here’s the mail I sent:

Dear Sorin, dear Sparsh,
belated congratulations to having been selected to this year’s GSoC! We are excited about your respective projects, and hope that you will have a productive (and interesting) internship. As you know, we are now in the “community bonding period”, which means that now would be a good time to introduce yourself and you project to the Brian discussion forum (, and to continue the work you did for your project proposals (getting familiar with documentation and other related projects, the general development process, etc.). In particular, it is of course a good time to meet your mentors (me as the main mentor and Ben and Dan as co-/backup mentors). But this will have to wait at least a week, since I am currently on holiday :grinning: Could you let us know when you’d be available in the coming week (please include your time zone)? Don’t hesitate to ask any other questions you already might have at this point - I might be slow to reply, though.

All the best, congratulations again, and looking forward to working with you

Hi @mstimberg
Thanks for your confidence on me, My Time zone is (Time zone in India (GMT+5:30))
I am available from now onwards to further discuss our proposed plan inorder to ensure to be in right path according to our plan.
Looking forward to learn from your experiences and problems solving approach :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

Hi @Sparsh_Agrawal, good to hear from you, I was afraid that you’ve jumped ship :blush: I am having a meeting with the other student later today (13:00 UTC, i.e. 18:30 your time). I know this is a bit last minute, but would you be able to join as well?

@mstimberg yes I am available please, send me the invite link.

Hello sir

Can other people participate in this project, or do I need to wait until next GSoC?

I think I can help with this project :slight_smile:

Hi @Amrit_Rai. The markdown exporter is part of (GitHub - brian-team/brian2tools: Tools to use with Brian 2, in particular for visualization), it is open source and contributions are very welcome. I don’t have the capacity to supervise anyone contributing with the same investment (weekly video meetings, etc.) as I do for a GSoC participant, but I’d be happy to give general help and advice. Of course, the specific tasks shouldn’t overlap with the work @Sparsh_Agrawal is/will be doing as part of his project. But I think there’s still plenty of room for contributions :blush:

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thanks for the quick response sir!

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