Heudiconv across multiple sessions

Does anyone have a simple example of a heudiconv command inputting multiple sessions? I may be missing something obvious, but I am not able to get the command below to work.

setenv TEST 001
setenv SUBJ sub-$TEST
setenv DATA /autofs/cluster/<path to data>
setenv WORK /autofs/cluster/<path to personal folder>
setenv IMAGE /autofs/cluster/<path to singularity image>
setenv SINGULARITY <path to singularity command
mkdir /scratch/raw_dicom && cp -r $DATA/dicom/$SUBJ /scratch/raw_dicom/
mkdir /scratch/heuristic && cp -r $WORK/heudiconv/heuristics/FSMAP/*convert*.py /scratch/heuristic/

$SINGULARITY exec --bind '/scratch:/scratch' $IMAGE \
/neurodocker/startup.sh heudiconv \
-d '/scratch/raw_dicom/{subject}/ses-{session}/*/MR.*' \
-s $TEST \
-ss 01 02 \
-f /scratch/heuristic/FSMAP_convert_ses-01.py \
-c dcm2niix -b --minmeta \
-o /scratch/$SUBJ

This returns the error:

usage: heudiconv [-h] [--version]
             [-d DICOM_DIR_TEMPLATE | --files [FILES [FILES ...]]]
             [-s [SUBJS [SUBJS ...]]] [-c {dcm2niix,none}] [-o OUTDIR]
             [-a CONV_OUTDIR] [--anon-cmd ANON_CMD] -f HEURISTIC_FILE [-p]
             [-ss SESSION] [-b] [--overwrite] [--datalad] [--dbg]
             [--command {treat-json,ls,populate-templates}]
             [-g {studyUID,accession_number}] [--minmeta] [-q QUEUE]
             [--sbargs SBATCH_ARGS]
heudiconv: error: unrecognized arguments: 02

This is obviously something simple, but I couldn’t find much documentation on multi session conversion, so thought I would ask!

@jordan_theriault currently we only support one input for the session flag, so you’ll have to call heudiconv twice if you want to convert ses-01 and ses-02

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Ahh thanks for the clarification. The Github documentation and the usage message (above) suggest that session can be used, so it might be helpful to correct those when you have a chance.

Thanks again!

The usage message just says what it does support - a single session definition: [-ss SESSION], compare to --files for example of an option accepting multiple inputs: --files [FILES [FILES ...]]

But your heuristic (in infotoids) could deduce session identifier for every accession, so if the path you pointed has multiple accessions, it could assign corresponding multiple/different sessions to each accession it is to process. See e.g. ReproIn heuristic – we are typically assigning session identifier to the scout scan. It also supports _ses-{date} and _ses+ identifiers so session would either correspond to the date (used for our QA phantom scans) or just incremented each time correspondingly.

Hope this helps

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Hi, Mathias,

Heudiconv is really great! I also hope to use it automatically deal with multiple session of multiple subjects.

Seems that one solution is to use for loop in bash to run multiple session & multiple participant (as you mentioned in Heudiconv on multiple subjects).

I am still new to Linux (only use Linux recently for heudicov, fmriprep, and Nipype), so I am wondering, are there some example bash code/files that I can imitate?

@hcp4715 Only example I could readily find was in a slideshow:


Hi, @rwblair,

Many thanks for your source!
Will update how it goes :wink:

Hi, I have included an example call in our new documentation, here’s the link


Hope that can help

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Hi, @mgxd Thanks for your help.
That example is a bit more complicated to me, because currently I am still trying to test the whole BIDS-fmriprep thing on my own laptop.

I used (for the first time) bash’s for loop to solve my problem now, maybe looks very inefficient, but easy to understand.

But I have other problems that not relevant to this topic, just post it here in case that you guys have some suggestion: https://github.com/nipy/heudiconv/issues/126#issuecomment-481432209

Below is my current code, just in case it may give other beginners some hints:

for subject in {001..003}; 
    #subjDir+="${subject}"   # get the subject folder
    #echo "${subjDir}"
    #echo ${subject}
    for session in {1..3}; 
        sesId+="${session}" #$(echo "${session: -2}")  # get the last two characters of session folder
        #echo ${subject}
        #echo ${session}
        #echo ${sesId}
        # take care of the space in the [ ] after if
	if [ ${sesId} == "d1" ]; then
	elif [ ${sesId} == "d2" ]; then
        elif [ ${sesId} == "d3" ]; then
	#echo ${heuristicFile}
	docker run --rm -it \
	-v /media/hcp4715/USB1/Data/RepDopa/BIDS_test:/base nipy/heudiconv:latest \
	-d /base/Dicom/sub-{subject}/ses-{session}/*/* \
	-o /base/Nifti/ \
	-f convertall \
	-s ${subject} \
	-ss ${sesId} \
	-c none \
	-b --overwrite --minmeta