Running MRIQC group w/o bids_dir

And if all of your important drives are all subdirectories of a more parent drive, you can just only bind the parent drive that contains all of them.

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Hi @Steven

My question is that can I get both participant and group level reports while running mriqc?
For example, I specify both participant and group argument like this:

singularity run \
        --cleanenv \
        -B ${BIDS_DIR}:/data:ro \
        -B ${OUTPUT_DIR}:/output \
        -B ${WORK_DIR}:/work \
    ${MRIQC} /data /output \
    participant group \
    --participant-label "$subjectID" \
    -w /work \
    -vv \
    --n_cpus 4 \
    --mem 16000 \
    --write-graph \
    --fd_thres 0.2 \
    --float32 \


Hi @Yunhong_Wang,

No, you cannot do participant and group at the same time.


A post was split to a new topic: MRIQC TypeError: ‘reversed’ is an invalid keyword argument for sort()

Hi @Steven

I run the mriqc participant level first and then run group level. However, the group report does not present the interactive figure for me. It’s weird.

The group_bold.html is here:

And the whole output of group analysis:
