import sys import numpy as np import nibabel as nib ############################################ # Note: Python implemention of matlab code mp2rage_genUniDen.m # Date: 2019/09/25 # Author: YingLi Lu # Fully tested on python3(can run on python2.7 as well), get exactly same result image with matlab. ############################################ # Define subject number (Use BIDS number not actual number) SUBJECT_NUMBER = int(input("Subject number: ")) EXP = "27vectors" # ignore RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in true_divide np.seterr(all='ignore') def MP2RAGErobustfunc(INV1, INV2, beta): # matalb: MP2RAGErobustfunc=@(INV1,INV2,beta)(conj(INV1).*INV2-beta)./(INV1.^2+INV2.^2+2*beta); return (np.conj(INV1)*INV2-beta)/(INV1**2+INV2**2+2*beta) def rootsquares_pos(a, b, c): # matlab:rootsquares_pos=@(a, b, c)(-b+sqrt(b. ^ 2 - 4 * a.*c))./(2*a) return (-b+np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a) def rootsquares_neg(a, b, c): # matlab: rootsquares_neg = @(a, b, c)(-b-sqrt(b. ^ 2 - 4 * a.*c))./(2*a) return (-b-np.sqrt(b**2 - 4*a*c))/(2*a) def mp2rage_genUniDen(MP2RAGE_filenameUNI, MP2RAGE_filenameINV1, MP2RAGE_filenameINV2, MP2RAGE_uniden_output_filename, chosenFactor): ######### # load data ######### MP2RAGEimg = nib.load(MP2RAGE_filenameUNI) INV1img = nib.load(MP2RAGE_filenameINV1) INV2img = nib.load(MP2RAGE_filenameINV2) MP2RAGEimg_img = MP2RAGEimg.get_fdata() INV1img_img = INV1img.get_fdata() INV2img_img = INV2img.get_fdata() if MP2RAGEimg_img.min() >= 0 and MP2RAGEimg_img.max() >= 0.51: # converts MP2RAGE to -0.5 to 0.5 scale - assumes that it is getting only positive values MP2RAGEimg_img = ( MP2RAGEimg_img - MP2RAGEimg_img.max()/2)/MP2RAGEimg_img.max() integerformat = 1 else: integerformat = 0 ######### # computes correct INV1 dataset ######### # gives the correct polarity to INV1 INV1img_img = np.sign(MP2RAGEimg_img)*INV1img_img # because the MP2RAGE INV1 and INV2 is a sum of squares data, while the # MP2RAGEimg is a phase sensitive coil combination.. some more maths has to # be performed to get a better INV1 estimate which here is done by assuming # both INV2 is closer to a real phase sensitive combination # INV1pos=rootsquares_pos(-MP2RAGEimg.img,INV2img.img,-INV2img.img.^2.*MP2RAGEimg.img); INV1pos = rootsquares_pos(-MP2RAGEimg_img, INV2img_img, -INV2img_img**2*MP2RAGEimg_img) INV1neg = rootsquares_neg(-MP2RAGEimg_img, INV2img_img, -INV2img_img**2*MP2RAGEimg_img) INV1final = INV1img_img INV1final[np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1pos) > np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1neg) ] = INV1neg[np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1pos) > np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1neg)] INV1final[np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1pos) <= np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1neg) ] = INV1pos[np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1pos) <= np.absolute(INV1img_img-INV1neg)] # usually the multiplicative factor shouldn't be greater then 10, but that # is not the ase when the image is bias field corrected, in which case the # noise estimated at the edge of the imagemight not be such a good measure multiplyingFactor = chosenFactor noiselevel = multiplyingFactor*np.mean(INV2img_img[:, -11:, -11:]) # % MP2RAGEimgRobustScanner = MP2RAGErobustfunc(INV1img.img, INV2img.img, noiselevel. ^ 2) MP2RAGEimgRobustPhaseSensitive = MP2RAGErobustfunc( INV1final, INV2img_img, noiselevel**2) if integerformat == 0: MP2RAGEimg_img = MP2RAGEimgRobustPhaseSensitive else: MP2RAGEimg_img = np.round(4095*(MP2RAGEimgRobustPhaseSensitive+0.5)) ######### # save image ######### MP2RAGEimg_img = nib.casting.float_to_int(MP2RAGEimg_img,'int16'); new_MP2RAGEimg = nib.Nifti1Image(MP2RAGEimg_img, MP2RAGEimg.affine, MP2RAGEimg.header), MP2RAGE_uniden_output_filename) anat_path = f"/neurospin/unicog/protocols/MathsSim_Debray_Dehaene_2023/fMRIdata/{EXP}/MRI/BidsDataset/sub-{SUBJECT_NUMBER:02}/anat" uni_path = f"{anat_path}/sub-{SUBJECT_NUMBER:02}_uni.nii.gz" inv1_path = f"{anat_path}/sub-{SUBJECT_NUMBER:02}_inv1.nii.gz" inv2_path = f"{anat_path}/sub-{SUBJECT_NUMBER:02}_inv2.nii.gz" uniden_output_path = f"{anat_path}/sub-{SUBJECT_NUMBER:02}_T1w.nii.gz" multiplyingFactor = 10 print('using multiplying factor of {}'.format(multiplyingFactor)) mp2rage_genUniDen(uni_path, inv1_path, inv2_path, uniden_output_path, multiplyingFactor) if __name__ == "__main__": # Usage: python MP2RAGE_filenameUNI MP2RAGE_filenameINV1 MP2RAGE_filenameINV2 MP2RAGE_uniden_output_filename [multiplyingFactor] # (default=6, increase up to 10 for more noise suppression) # adapted from RobustCombination function from Jose Marques, https: // # this function shows one possible implementation of the methods suggested # in http: // = 10.1371/journal.pone.0099676 if len(sys.argv)-1 == 5: multiplyingFactor = int(sys.argv[5]) elif len(sys.argv)-1 == 4: multiplyingFactor = 6 else: print( 'Usage: python MP2RAGE_filenameUNI MP2RAGE_filenameINV1 MP2RAGE_filenameINV2 MP2RAGE_uniden_output_filename[multiplyingFactor=6]') print(' default=6, increase up to 10 for more noise suppression') sys.exit(1) MP2RAGE_filenameUNI = sys.argv[1] MP2RAGE_filenameINV1 = sys.argv[2] MP2RAGE_filenameINV2 = sys.argv[3] MP2RAGE_uniden_output_filename = sys.argv[4]