Hello, the file s3_derv_links_5subj.txt should be written by yourself, see step 16
with open('/home/jovyan/ABCDndar/s3_derv_links_5subj.txt', 'w') as f:
and sub_s3derv is created by you from step 14&15.
So if your question is why s3_derv_links_5subj.txt only contains 5 links, then you may want to go back and check your filter.
AWS credentials should not be required at this point.
If the filtration is correct, then you may want to log into NDA and make sure everything is okay with your account.
Hope it helps.
package ID (the one you used at step 10) contains “fmriresults01.txt” file. I can download this file using command ! downloadcmd -dp <package_ID> -d '/home/jovyan/ABCDndar' -u <your NDA username> -p <your NDA password> --file-regex 'fmriresults01.txt'
But now I would like to download file from s3link from fmriresults01.txt’, could you tell me how to do that?