Neurohackademy is a summer school in neuroimaging and data science, held at the University of Washington eScience Institute.
This year’s course will be fully online for participants attending from anywhere in the world, July 27th – 31st 2020.
Participants will learn about technologies used to analyze human neuroscience data and to make analysis and results shareable and reproducible.
The first four days will be devoted to hands-on lectures and open Q&A discussions. The last day of the course will be devoted to participant-directed activities: breakout sessions and collaboration sessions on topics of interest.
While registration for this year’s event is already closed, all of the materials for the course (including lecture videos) will be made readily available through the course website at
In addition, we will post announcements and links here, and this forum is open for discussion of all of the topics and tutorials presented during NeuroHackademy
@Ariel_Rokem This looks awesome! Unfortunately, registration for Neurohackademy appears to be closed using the link you’ve sent…
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Sorry about that. Course registration closed on June 29th. We’ve now edited this message to reflect this. That said, all of the materials for the course (including lecture videos) will be made readily available and anyone is welcome to ask questions here.
Thanks for the update, Ariel. Can’t wait to see the great stuff coming out of UW 
Hi @Ariel_Rokem. This sounds great! Will we be able to follow along at our own pace using the resources mentioned even if we did not make the registration deadline?
And, will these resources be available for a time after the end of Neurohackademy?
Yes! We are planning to make the videos and the lectures all available on the course website ( and through Training Space. We will also create discussion pages here for every tutorial, and everyone should feel free to ask questions and join the discussion here.