Hi all,
I am working on pre-processing fMRI data from the ADNI initiative.
I have converted the data to BIDS format with the appropriate json sidecars; however, as ADNI uses Phillips scanners the json files do not contain the slice timing information.
I have found that ADNI reports the slice timing values separately but they are in a strange format where they are more than the TR (3) and do not start at 0.00 seconds. This ADNI data is not in the standard format and does not work in fMRIPrep. For example see this slice timing below:
29679.5, 29681, 29679.5625, 29681.0625, 29679.625, 29681.125, 29679.6875, 29681.1875, 29679.75, 29681.25, 29679.8125, 29681.3125, 29679.875, 29681.375, 29679.9375, 29681.4375, 29680, 29681.5, 29680.0625, 29681.5625, 29680.125, 29681.625, 29680.1875, 29681.6875, 29680.25, 29681.75, 29680.3125, 29681.8125, 29680.375, 29681.875, 29680.4375, 29681.9375, 29680.5, 29682, 29680.5625, 29682.0625, 29680.625, 29682.125, 29680.6875, 29682.1875, 29680.75, 29682.25, 29680.8125, 29682.3125, 29680.875, 29682.375, 29680.9375, 29682.4375
My question is, Can I subtract the first value from all values to get the data below the TR and within the usual format (the data is TR = 3, slices = 48 for reference) ? When I do that it looks like this:
0.0000 1.5000 0.0625 1.5625 0.1250 1.6250 0.1875 1.6875 0.2500 1.7500 0.3125 1.8125 0.3750 1.8750 0.4375 1.9375 0.5000 2.0000 0.5625 2.0625 0.6250 2.1250 0.6875 2.1875 0.7500 2.2500 0.8125 2.3125 0.8750 2.3750 0.9375 2.4375 1.0000 2.5000 1.0625 2.5625 1.1250 2.6250 1.1875 2.6875 1.2500 2.7500 1.3125 2.8125 1.3750 2.8750 1.4375 2.9375
Does this look correct? Is there another way to get the correct slice timing?