Any new MNI 2 freesurfer surface tools?

Hi all,

Just a quick query for recommendations: are there any new MNI 2 surface applications around that do a better job than the old time favorite?

Accurate nonlinear mapping between MNI volumetric and FreeSurfer surface coordinate systems

Thanks so much!

Hi @hlesaint8,


Hi Steven,

Thanks for the quick reply! I think this implementation also uses the Wu et al., 2018, Hum Brain Mapping

This does its job well, bt moves parts of some areas into other regional contexts (such as agranular insula 3 of the new Jülich atlas, which partly appears in the parietal lobe in the surface data). It has to be the flattening/segmentation as those areas are displayed correctly in the volumetric space.

I’d be thankful for any suggestion for an algorithm that works even more accurate…
