Apparent mistake in JoinNode docs example


I was trying to recreate the example in the docs on the use of JoinNodes found here with the following MWE

import os
from nipype.pipeline import engine as pe
from nipype.interfaces.base import (traits, TraitedSpec, BaseInterface)

class InputSpec(TraitedSpec):

    in_file = traits.Str()

class OutputSpec(TraitedSpec):

    out_file = traits.Str()

class BInputSpec(InputSpec):

    m = traits.Int()

class DInputSpec(InputSpec):

    n = traits.Int()

class EInputSpec(TraitedSpec):

    in_files = traits.List(traits.Str())

class DummyInterface(BaseInterface):

    input_spec = InputSpec
    output_spec = OutputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        return runtime

    def _list_outputs(self):
        outputs = self.output_spec().get()
        outputs['out_file'] = self.inputs.in_file
        return outputs

A = C = DummyInterface

class B(DummyInterface):

    input_spec = BInputSpec

class D(DummyInterface):

    input_spec = DInputSpec

class E(BaseInterface):

    input_spec = EInputSpec

    def _run_interface(self, runtime):
        return runtime

a = pe.Node(interface=A(), name="a")
a.inputs.in_file = 'a_file'
b = pe.Node(interface=B(), name="b")
b.iterables = ("m", [1, 2])
c = pe.Node(interface=C(), name="c")
d = pe.Node(interface=D(), name="d")
d.itersource = ("b", "m")
d.iterables = [("n", {1: [3, 4], 2: [5, 6]})]
my_workflow = pe.Workflow(name="my_workflow", base_dir=os.getcwd())
my_workflow.connect([(a, b, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
                     (b, c, [('out_file', 'in_file')]),
                     (c, d, [('out_file', 'in_file')])])
e = pe.JoinNode(interface=E(), joinsource="d",
                joinfield="in_files", name="e")
my_workflow.connect(d, 'out_file',
                    e, 'in_files')

But the output execution logs came back with

170301-12:37:25,768 workflow INFO:
	 ['check', 'execution', 'logging']
170301-12:37:25,865 workflow INFO:
	 Running serially.
170301-12:37:25,870 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node a in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/a
170301-12:37:25,872 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:25,892 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node b.aI.a1 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_2/b
170301-12:37:25,894 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:25,912 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node b.aI.a0 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_1/b
170301-12:37:25,913 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:25,932 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node c.a0 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_1/c
170301-12:37:25,933 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:25,952 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node d.a0.aI.a1 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_1/_n_4/d
170301-12:37:25,953 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:25,972 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node d.a0.aI.a0 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_1/_n_3/d
170301-12:37:25,973 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:26,0 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node e.a0 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_1/e
170301-12:37:26,49 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node c.a1 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_2/c
170301-12:37:26,51 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:26,70 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node d.a1.aI.a0 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_2/_n_5/d
170301-12:37:26,72 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:26,92 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node d.a1.aI.a1 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_2/_n_6/d
170301-12:37:26,93 workflow INFO:
	 Collecting precomputed outputs
170301-12:37:26,120 workflow INFO:
	 Executing node e.a1 in dir: /Users/tclose/git/mbi/nianalysis/scripts/my_workflow/_m_2/e

which appears to show Node ā€˜eā€™ being executed twice for both m=1 and m=2 in contrast to the figure at the bottom of that page.

Now this execution graph was actually what I was hoping to achieve and what I would have expected a priori so I am happy about that but it seems the figure needs to be updated unless I am missing something.

