The XCPEngine documentation suggests that only T1w and MNI152Lin2009cAsym are valid output spaces from fMRIPrep to input to XCP. However, in fMRIPrep, AROMA denoising is performed in MNI152NLin6Asym space. ICA-AROMA (with and without GSR) is included in XCP’s prebuilt designs. This leads me to ask a few questions:
- Would I be correct in saying that the correct way to add GSR to AROMA would be to edit Line 62 of the aroma design file and set GSR=1?
- Can I use a non-aggressively AROMA denoised file from fMRIPrep, given denoising was performed in Lin6Asym space?
2.5) If I use a non-aggressive AROMA nifti, then would I not want to use AROMA in XCP?
Thank you,