ArtifactDetect Odd Error that was never there before with the same code

Hi there!

I’ve been able to use ArtifactDetect to good effect, but recently i’ve started to receive a strange error. No matter if I choose spm_global or file for mask type I get this error:

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 3)

What’s strange is that all the connections I can see are needed based on the documentation are there. Any idea what might have changed? I have a nipype-specific environment so I find it incredibly odd. Am i missing something?

Here is the report.rst file output for the ArtifactDetect node that fails despite seeming good to go…

Node: art (rapidart)

Hierarchy :
Exec ID : art.a0

Original Inputs

  • bound_by_brainmask : False
  • global_threshold : 8.0
  • ignore_exception : False
  • intersect_mask :
  • mask_file : /Users/marlengonzalez/Documents/Projects/spTMS-fMRI/1_IAPS_for_Marlen/Data/workingdir_PREPROC/TRY2/preproc/coregwf/_Block_id_BLOCK1_ROI_id_dlPFC_subject_id_IAP_106/bet_anat/t1_mprage_sag_p2_iso_ROI_brain_mask.nii.gz
  • mask_threshold :
  • mask_type : file
  • norm_threshold : 2.0
  • parameter_source : FSL
  • plot_type : svg
  • realigned_files : [‘Data/workingdir_PREPROC/TRY2/preproc/coregwf/_Block_id_BLOCK1_ROI_id_dlPFC_subject_id_IAP_106/applywarp/IAPS_SET1_BLOCK1_ROI_brain_smooth_masked_mcf_st_flirt.nii.gz’]
  • realignment_parameters : [‘Data/workingdir_PREPROC/TRY2/preproc/_Block_id_BLOCK1_ROI_id_dlPFC_subject_id_IAP_106/mcflirt/IAPS_SET1_BLOCK1_ROI_brain_smooth_masked_mcf.nii.par’]
  • rotation_threshold :
  • save_plot : True
  • translation_threshold :
  • use_differences : [True, False]
  • use_norm : True
  • zintensity_threshold : 3.0

Can anyone please help with this?

I’ve looked at each of the inputs and they are the correct file types.

realigned files:
data_type FLOAT32
dim1 64
dim2 64
dim3 39
dim4 293
datatype 16
pixdim1 3.000000
pixdim2 3.000000
pixdim3 3.000000
pixdim4 2.500000
cal_max 4065.3196
cal_min 0.0000
file_type NIFTI-1+

mask file:
data_type FLOAT32
dim1 64
dim2 64
dim3 39
dim4 1
datatype 16
pixdim1 3.000000
pixdim2 3.000000
pixdim3 3.000000
pixdim4 1.000000
cal_max 0.0000
cal_min 0.0000
file_type NIFTI-1+

realigned_parameters file:
293 rows (volumes) x 6 columns (motion parameters)

There doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with the inputs. Does anyone have another idea of where I should check? I don’t want to abandon this, but its the only thing that’s going wrong in the data.


Ahoi hoi @MZMG,

could maybe post the respective parts of the nipype code you’re using (including the version) and the full error message?

Best, Peer