Ask for the possible compatibility problem of AFNI and FSL in probtrackx2

Dear experts,

We are trying to conduct probability tractography using FSL (6.0.5), the seed and waypoint mask are warped from MNI space to native T2 space for tracking with AFNI (21.1.01) software, the qform and sform parameter were revised to Anat space with fsledithd command, all things are well-registered in fsleyes before tracking.

What confused us is that the fdt_path.nii.gz pathway file from tracking is not aligned with the native space at all, is it the compatibility problem of AFNI and FSL in the implementation of probtrackx2, or am I missing something? would you mind giving me some suggestions?


Best wishes,


Finally figured it out, the ROI mask needs to have the same resolution as the input data of probtrackx2