Hi everyone,
I’m trying to analyse my ASL data with aslprep. We used the Siemens product PASL sequence ASL_2D_tra with PICORE labeling and BolusCutOffTechnique “Q2TIPS”. The M0 image is included as first image in the series.
I have adjusted the corresponding asl.json files accordingly.
“ArterialSpinLabelingType”: “PASL”,
“SliceTiming”: [0,0.0425,0.085,0.13,0.1725,0.215,0.26,0.3025,0.345,0.39,0.4325,0.475,0.52,0.5625,0.605,0.65],
“PostLabelingDelay”: 1.800,
“M0Type”: “Included”,
“LabelingLocationDescription”:“Labeling slab parallel to the imaging volume with a 2.75 cm gap”,
“BolusCutOffTechnique”: “Q2TIPS”,
Howver, when I try to run the script using docker, I got the following output
Running ASLPREP version 0.5.1rc1:
* BIDS dataset path: /data.
* Participant list: [‘4438’].
* Run identifier: 20230928-122855_38be3844-d421-4a09-8462-cb0fb7e1531a.
* Output spaces: MNI152NLin2009cAsym:res-native.
230928-12:29:26,412 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
Processing /data/sub-4438/ses-V0/perf/sub-4438_ses-V0_run-1_asl.nii.gz
230928-12:29:26,549 nipype.workflow INFO:
Collected run data for /data/sub-4438/ses-V0/perf/sub-4438_ses-V0_run-1_asl.nii.gz:
aslcontext: /data/sub-4438/ses-V0/perf/sub-4438_ses-V0_run-1_aslcontext.tsv
m0scan: null
sbref: null
Process Process-2:
File “/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/aslprep/workflows/asl/cbf.py”, line 185, in init_compute_cbf_wf
raise ValueError(“PASL without a bolus cut-off technique is not supported in ASLPrep.”)
ValueError: PASL without a bolus cut-off technique is not supported in ASLPrep.
I tried also “BolusCutOffDelayTime”:[0.7,1.6], but the error is always the same (1.6 might be TIs).
Interestingly, when I’m using dcm2niix to for nifti conversion, I receive the parameters BolusDuration = 0.7 and InversionTime = 1.8.
It seems that 0.7 (TI1) refers to BolusCutOffDelayTime[1] and 1.8 to PostlabelingDelay (TI2).
Any ideas what went wrong. Unfortunately all the mentioned DICOM Tags 0018,925F; 0018,925E; 0018,925C are not listed in our DICOM files.