Baseline fMRI data in normal healthy volunteers

Does anybody know where you can source baseline fMRI data in normal healthy volunteers?

There are several open-source database with demographics and fMRI raw(and processed) data.

Some of those are:

   - Bran Genomisc Superstructure Projec ( . It requires access permission (easy to obtain).

   - ABIDE ( It contains data from Healthy subjects plus autism patients. Also, they have all the fMRI data already preprocessed **[here](**. It requires access permission (easy to obtain).

   - Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative]( Data from elderly and AD subejcts. Just some of them have fMRI data.  It requires access permission (easy to obtain).

I’m not exactly sure what “baseline” means in this context. Another source of fMRI data, in addition to those mentioned by @slieped is the Human Connectome Project:

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