We are looking into implementing some testing on the BIDS datasets we acquire and run after each session acquisition and automatic conversion to BIDS.
The session would be converted using heudiconv+datalad on a separate branch, opening a PR, then other commits would add behavioral files (or physio, eyetracking,…) to that branch.
The idea would be to then have so GH actions such as:
- running the BIDS validator
- running dataset specific basic tests (checking MRI parameters, checking if the events file contains the expected info, eg. number of events…, maybe raise errors if high number of missing participant’s responses…)
- one could imagine having automatic QC on the images themselves (eg. check brain coverage of fMRI, gross artifacts), and being able to check these images in the browser (likely on a self-hosted CI service).
- …
And then have the dataset maintainer to review these PRs and fix/settle the errors raised by the tests.
Is that something that was already explored by others? @eknahm
I think there could be some a set of generic tests that could be deployed for any BIDS dataset acquisition and help flag errors as early as possible in the acquisition process and also track the fixes applied.
I never played with CI on GH, so my knowledge on this is superficial.