BIDS format for human readability

When naming derivative files to be BIDs compliant, I often come to a problem of illegibility to the human eye in …desc-…
when in the value I’d like to say something that conveys for example, that the image was skullstripped with a 2-voxel boundary (using FreeSurfer’s mri_synthstrip). I know the meta data can be more descriptive, but parsing the files visually gets to be a pain as “-”, "
", " ", as well as any other symbols are not compliant, from what I understand…leaving only Camel case.
_desc-Brain2voxBoundary is so ugly.

I’m sure I can choose better, but this is all to say that I wish there was a spacer symbol that could be used for human readability.

This seems more like it should be an issue in the BIDS specification repo (GitHub · Where software is built), but FWIW I have an open PR that will allow plus signs in entity values that’s meant to accomplish this: [ENH] Allow plus signs in labels by tsalo · Pull Request #1926 · bids-standard/bids-specification · GitHub.