The official BIDS Validator (version 1.8.2) is yelling at me for having any participant_id in a phenotype/.tsv file a without a matching sub-<participant_id>/ data folder on the upper level of the BIDS data set root folder. I stand to disagree.
The majority of this dataset we are preparing to share on OpenNeuro is surveys/questionnaires/blood tests/etc. Only participants who passed certain criteria got to come in for MRI and MEG data (which is also to be shared in the same BIDS data set). I feel if the participant_id is present in the participants.tsv file the BIDS Validator should not require an otherwise empty sub-<participant_id>/ folder.
Is this thought unreasonable or have there just been less data sets preparing phenotype/.tsv files before?
@Remi-Gau Thanks for the quick reply! I don’t think using sourcedata would be appropriate from the phrasing in the standard:
source data, which is defined as data before harmonization, reconstruction, and/or file format conversion (for example, E-Prime event logs or DICOM files).
But maybe I’m misunderstanding the meaning. I’m open to ideas. Thanks!
BIDS has almost no requirements on sourcedata, so I was more trying to find a way to stay within BIDS to accommodate this use-case (FYI I have done similar things in some of my stuff: keep the results of all the screened participants in sourcedata but only the included are in the raw.
Other possibility (more far fetched): can you have some of those phenotypes files (surveys, questionnaires…) as events.tsv in a beh ?
@Remi-Gau since no one else is jumping up to provide a suggestion (and I don’t think utilizing the beh functionality is the right move here), do you think this edge case is a BIDS Standard problem? Where would I go to propose a change to the BIDS Standard’s Modality Agnostic files these days? Should I propose an Issue on the BIDS standard repo or just jump straight to Pull Request?
in general it is good to open an issue on the bids standard to get the discussion rolling in “the official venue” (not everyone watches neurostars)
FYI I will be in touch soon for some phenotype issue that might have opinions about.