BIDScoin - new release 4.3.2 [update]

IMPORTANT UPDATE: 4.3.2, a hotfix for 4.3.1

I’ve just released BIDScoin v4.3.2, a hotfix release that fixes a regression in v4.3.1. Apart from this important fix, nothing else has changed, so the release notes below are still valid :slight_smile:

This release is a minor and safe upgrade of your user-friendly BIDS converter, featuring some fixes and two new features:

  • Automatic update for B0FieldIdentifier/Source tags when dealing with multiple fieldmap runs (see here)
  • Slicereport input support for all nibabel file-formats

For more details see the changelog

Start a Neurodesktop in the cloud and discover how easy it is to create a BIDS dataset (you don’t need to code anything), and play around with BIDScoin’s advanced features – and don’t hesitate to ask a question, here (bidscoin) or on Github

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