Bidskit Pass 2 error * No DICOM header information found in

I’m trying to convert dicoms into a valid BIDS directory structure with BIDSKIT. The first pass seems to have worked but I am struggling with the second pass.

I have modified the ProtocolTranslator.json file (I don’t really know if I’ve done this step correctly)

The error I get when trying to run the second pass is as follows -

BIDSKIT 2019.8.16

dcm2niix version v1.0.20190902 detected
Initializing BIDS dataset directory tree in /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small
Creating required file templates
    Overwriting previous dataset_description.json
    Overwriting previous participants.json

Source data directory      : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sourcedata
Working Directory          : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/work
Use Session Directories    : Yes
Overwrite Existing Files   : Yes
Anonymize BIDS Output      : Yes

Pass 2 : Populating BIDS directory

Processing subject S30_CBo
  Processing session ses-02
  Working subject directory : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/work/sub-S30_CBo
  Working session directory : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/work/sub-S30_CBo/ses-ses-02
  BIDS subject directory  : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sub-S30_CBo
  BIDS session directory  : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sub-S30_CBo/ses-ses-02
* No DICOM header information found in /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sourcedata/S30_CBo/ses-02/
* Confirm that DICOM images in this folder are uncompressed
* Exiting

Any help would be much appreciated, I am flying pretty blind here, my knowledge of fMRI is limited unfortunately.


I’m encountering the same error, and still didn’t find the source of the problem… How did you finally solve it?

Thank you so much in advance…