Bidskit Pass 2 error * No DICOM header information found in

I’m trying to convert dicoms into a valid BIDS directory structure with BIDSKIT. The first pass seems to have worked but I am struggling with the second pass.

I have modified the ProtocolTranslator.json file (I don’t really know if I’ve done this step correctly)

The error I get when trying to run the second pass is as follows -

BIDSKIT 2019.8.16

dcm2niix version v1.0.20190902 detected
Initializing BIDS dataset directory tree in /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small
Creating required file templates
    Overwriting previous dataset_description.json
    Overwriting previous participants.json

Source data directory      : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sourcedata
Working Directory          : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/work
Use Session Directories    : Yes
Overwrite Existing Files   : Yes
Anonymize BIDS Output      : Yes

Pass 2 : Populating BIDS directory

Processing subject S30_CBo
  Processing session ses-02
  Working subject directory : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/work/sub-S30_CBo
  Working session directory : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/work/sub-S30_CBo/ses-ses-02
  BIDS subject directory  : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sub-S30_CBo
  BIDS session directory  : /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sub-S30_CBo/ses-ses-02
* No DICOM header information found in /Users/alistairwalsh/Documents/git_repos/bids_trial/connect_small/sourcedata/S30_CBo/ses-02/
* Confirm that DICOM images in this folder are uncompressed
* Exiting

Any help would be much appreciated, I am flying pretty blind here, my knowledge of fMRI is limited unfortunately.