Can the output of ICA-AROMA be in the participant rather than MNI space?

Can ICA-AROMA accept fMRI images in the participant (native) space instead of MNI space? And Can ICA-AROMA outputs fMRI images in the participant (native space?

For my study it is important that the fMRI images are analyzed in the native space and not normalized into MNI space. Given this restriction, is it possible to use ICA-AROMA?

Hi @mras, and welcome to neurostars!

No, AROMA inputs should be normalized to FSLs MNI space. You can always warp it to subject space after the fact.


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For what it’s worth, while inputs do need to be in MNI152NLin6Asym space (at 2x2x2 mm resolution), you can take the component time series from ICA-AROMA and use them to denoise the data in whatever space and resolution you wish, after the fact.