Cannot edit meta-data of a NeuroVault collection I own

I am in an embarrassing situation: it looks like somebody has edited the metadata of a collection I created (#4438) and I have to change that, but I can no longeredit the collection metadata, at least through the interface…
Specifically, the problem is that the current title/doi are not correct (these are not the one I entered once). Other meta-data seem OK.
Is it possible to put them back in the state they were, say, 2 months ago ?
Sorry for the weird situation.

Hi bthirion,

I just checked and the automated backups for neurovault are on a shorter interval than 2 months. Also does not appear that had indexed your collection.

What were the title and doi originally? Will try and investigate what happen as I have time.


Thx Ross !
Title: might have been something like:
Individual Brain Charting (IBC): Activation maps per contrast, session and individual
doi: (maybe)

Thanks for reporting - I changed the title and removed the incorrect DOI.

BTW what is the relationship between and

We really need to add support for associating one paper DOI with multiple collections (this is not currently supported).