CAT12 container error - Could not access preferences directory

Dear Community,

I am trying to apply cat12 using a cat singularity container with spm standalone ( on our local HPC. Directly after startup processing stops with the error

Setting up environment variables
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is .:/opt/mcr/v93/runtime/glnxa64:/opt/mcr/v93/bin/glnxa64:/opt/mcr/v93/sys/os/glnxa64:/opt/mcr/v93/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64

Could not access preferences directory: '/home/fatx405/.matlab/mcr_v93/spm12_945B644D173B00B6B732EA589B12EA6D'. System error: 'File system error occurred: Exclusive create failed on /home/fatx405/.matlab/mcr_v93/.deploy_lock.0 (reason: Read-only file system)'

On our HPC /home is not writable from jobs hence the error I think. Is it somehow possible to change the matlab preferences directory just having SPM standalone and the matlab compiler runtime (my experience with matlab is limited but seemingly the matlab command line isn’t callable to set the preferences directory directly)? My home directory (/home/fatx405) is mounted within the container.

Grateful to provide further information as well as for any input.


solved by adding “–no-home” and mounting of a writable directory “-B $other_home:/home” to the singularity call