Following the great answers of Esteban,
Running ciftify (fMRIPrep_BIDS_app actually) and looking at the output, I have a few questions (though I assume it’s identical to the HCP data):
- timeseries files ses-01_task-rest_run-01_desc-preproc.nii.gz (volumetric 2mm) and ses-01_task-rest_run-01_desc-preproc_Atlas_s0.dtseries.nii (91K cifti) - are they ICA_FIX denoised?
- a. ROIs: file .…ciftify\sub-$SBJ\MNINonLinear\ROIs\ROIs.2.nii.gz (volumetric 91,109, 91 so corresponds to 2mm MNI) contains values from 0-60. Where can I find the label names?
b. ROIs: file .…ciftify\sub-$SBJ\MNINonLinear\ROIs\Atlas_ROIs.2.nii.gz is empty (0 KB). Is it OK? does this imply that something in the analysis went wrong? - for GLM task analysis (preferably on the volumetric so to use FEAT then convert to Cifti using WB) - should I use additional regressors? which would you recommend?
So many thanks!