Code / software recommendations for planning uECoG electrode placement based on MRI and functional maps


We have 3D MRI and 3D functional data (NIFTI files). We would like to be able to place virtual uECoG electrode grids on the surface of the brain to determine what functional responses we can expect for different cortical locations (i.e. an ideal output would be a figure containing 2 images: 3D rendering showing the placement of electrode grid on 3D brain and a 2D functional map showing flattened electrode grid with functional map).

Before coding our own solution from scratch, we were wondering if anyone has come across any pre-existing code / software that might already has the above functionality? MatLab would be the preferred language, but other languages might work too.

Thank you for any suggestions!!

While there aren’t virtual electrodes in this package, it wouldn’t be too hard to add something like this to the ALICE software. It is written with Matlab that calls AFNI programs, including the afni and suma GUIs. Also consider the RAVE software package for some of this.