Hi all,
I’m using heudiconv 0.13.0 to convert dicoms to nifti following the BIDS format. I want to concatenate dicoms with different protocol names into a single nifti file: How can I do it?
To be clearer, I have diffusion data for b=1000 and b=25000, which have different protocol names from each other. The idea is to have them together in a nifti file like *_acq_AP_dwi.nii.gz . I tried running heudiconv providing a heuristic that filters by the common info they share, but I failed. It always converts the last one, missing the first. I also attempted to use the --dcmconfg flag and provided a dcmconfig.json containing: {“merge_imgs”: true} , but it didn’t give me the desired output either.
In the last scenario, I also tried dcm2bids (version: 2.1.7), but instead of producing a unique nifti file, it automatically outputs two runs (e.g. *_acq_AP_run-x_dwi.nii.gz).
Here is the heuristic.py I used for heudiconv (b=1000 and b=2500 have in common “cmrr_mbep2d_diff_mb2” in the protocol name):
import os
# create a function called create_key
def create_key(template, outtype=('nii.gz',), annotation_classes=None):
if template is None or not template:
raise ValueError('Template must be a valid format string')
return template, outtype, annotation_classes
def infotodict(seqinfo):
# Section 1: These key definitions should be revised by the user
# For each sequence, define a variable using the create_key function:
# variable = create_key(output_directory_path_and_name).
# "data" creates sequential numbers which can be for naming sequences.
# This is especially valuable if you run the same sequence multiple times at the scanner.
#data = create_key('run-{item:03d}')
t1w = create_key('sub-{subject}/{session}/anat/sub-{subject}_{session}_T1w')
dwirev = create_key('sub-{subject}/{session}/dwi/sub-{subject}_{session}_acq-PA_dwi')
dwi = create_key('sub-{subject}/{session}/dwi/sub-{subject}_{session}_acq-AP_dwi')
# Section 1b: This data dictionary (below) should be revised by the user.
# It uses the variables defines above as keys.
# Enter a key in the dictionary for each key you created above in section 1.
info = {t1w: [], dwirev: [], dwi: []}
#last_run = len(seqinfo)
# Section 2: These criteria should be revised by user.
# Define test criteria to check that each dicom sequence is correct
# seqinfo (s) refers to information in dicominfo.tsv. Consult that file for
# available criteria.
# Here we use two types of criteria:
# 1) An equivalent field "==" (e.g., good for checking dimensions)
# 2) A field that includes a string (e.g., 'mprage' in s.protocol_name)
for idx, s in enumerate(seqinfo):
if ('MEMPRAGE' in s.protocol_name) and (s.dim3 == 176 or s.dim3 == 132):
if ('PEreverse' in s.protocol_name) and (s.dim4 == 1) and ('SBRef' not in s.protocol_name):
if ('cmrr_mbep2d_diff_mb2' in s.protocol_name) and (s.dim1 == 128) and ('SBref' not in s.protocol_name) and ('PEreverse' not in s.protocol_name):
return info
And the dcmconfig.json I used for dcm2bids:
"merge_imgs": true,
"descriptions": [
"dataType": "dwi",
"modalityLabel": "dwi",
"customLabels": "acq-AP",
"criteria": {
"SeriesDescription": "cmrr_mbep2d_diff_mb2_*_1.8iso",
Thank you in advance. I strongly prefer heudiconv, but I’m also open to dcm2bids.