Contributing to open source projects in neuroscience

Hi all!I am a neuroimaging, machine learning enthusiast.Neurostars has been so helpful to me in understanding tools like nilearn,freesurfer.As I am not a student enrolled in any institution or currently employed,I am not sure i can participate in any of the GSoC projects posted here.I am wondering if some of the senior folks here can help me out with ways to contribute to open source work in this area and ongoing projects needing programming or documentation help. I can build skills in neuroscience along the way while also contributing to the community.


Hi @MeenVen!

Now I feel a bit bad about suggesting my own project, but I do think it might interest you :slight_smile: I made this web application that allows you to build online workflows that auto-generate code, like:

Currently, these workflows are mainly for MRI processing, but I would like to support machine learning frameworks (e.g., Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch) as well. That might suit your combined interest in neuroimaging and computer science.

It is all work in progress, and so is the documentation:

There are many ways, big and small, in which you could help out! Let me know if there’s any part in particular that excites you and I’m happy to guide you through.


@TimVanMourik thank you for replying to my post.
Sure! I’d be happy to help. Let me read through the docs and message you on this platform :slight_smile:

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