Convert mask in MNI152 NLIN 6th generation (fsl) to MNI Lin (SPM)

Dear all, I created a mask of the brainstem in MNI152 NLIN 6th gen space using the Harvard-Oxford subcortical structural atlas in fsl. I would like now to move the mask MNI Lin (SPM12). Can you guide me in this processes? I found a function to the opposite conversion here: Image Processing Tips and Tricks — neuroimaging core 0.1.1 documentation. Thank you in advance.

Hi @mdagostini

If you have template T1s in both spaces, you can run an antsRegistration between them (Anatomy of an antsRegistration call · ANTsX/ANTs Wiki · GitHub) and then apply the resulting transform with antsApplyTransfrom (Ubuntu Manpage: antsApplyTransforms - part of ANTS registration suite) to your atlas (using nearest neighbor interpolation if it is a set of binary masks or label if it is a discrete-valued label image). Other softwares have registration functionality too, of course.


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