I am trying to put my FSL GLM results onto the fsaverage surface for:
- draw group ROI with my functional localizer
- do surface-based searchlight with CosmoMVPA
I have done fMRIprep on my dataset, and get:
Could anybody help me with the next step?
I checked a thread here:
Volume to surface mapping (mri_vol2surf) using fmriprep outputs?
and tried:
lta_convert --initk sub-1_from-T1w_to-fsnative_mode-image_xfm.txt --outlta sub-1_from-T1w_to-fsnative_mode-image_xfm.lta --outreg sub-1_from-T1w_to-fsnative_mode-image_xfm.dat --src …/…/…/fsl/data_listening_MNI_orig/sub-1.nii.gz --trg …/…/…/freesurfer/sub-1/mri/T1.mgz --subject sub-1
It returned:
–initk: sub-1_from-T1w_to-fsnative_mode-image_xfm.txt input ITK txt transform.
–outlta: sub-1_from-T1w_to-fsnative_mode-image_xfm.lta output LTA.
–outreg: sub-1_from-T1w_to-fsnative_mode-image_xfm.dat output reg.dat matrix.
–src: …/…/…/fsl/data_listening_MNI_orig/sub-1.nii.gz src image (geometry).
–trg: …/…/…/freesurfer/sub-1/mri/T1.mgz trg image (geometry).
–s: sub-1 subject name
Transform: AffineTransform_float_3_3
ERROR readITK: Transform type unknown!
Not sure what that even means…