Converting Physio Data in Siemens PMU Format

I am trying to get my physiological data into BIDS format. I do not have any DICOM files, rather, I have PMU files only (.ext, .resp, .puls). All of the toolboxes I have tried using are throwing up formatting errors.

For reference, PMU formatting looks something like this:

1 8 20 2 367 508 520 532 638 708 790 5000 1037 1108 1072 1190 1413 5003
ECG  Freq Per: 0 0
PULS Freq Per: 72 823
RESP Freq Per: 0 0
EXT  Freq Per: 0 0
ECG  Min Max Avg StdDiff: 0 0 0 0
PULS Min Max Avg StdDiff: 355 1646 795 5
RESP Min Max Avg StdDiff: 0 0 0 0
EXT  Min Max Avg StdDiff: 0 0 0 0
NrTrig NrMP NrArr AcqWin: 0 0 0 0
LogStartMDHTime:  36632877
LogStopMDHTime:   39805825
LogStartMPCUTime: 36632400
LogStopMPCUTime:  39804637

I’m wondering if there is any way to convert these files into something that a toolbox like PhysIO or phys2bids would recognize? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.

I would be interested in that too. The CMRR pulse sequences developers made a Matlab parser for the physio data of their custom MB sequence, which I ported to Python and included in BIDScoin. I would happily add the same support for the Siemens product sequence…