I have a directed adjacency matrix denoting how each of my brain parcels (not vertices / voxels!) corresponds to any other parcel in the matrix (this matrix contains test statistics, like t or z-scores, etc.). This matrix is accompanied by a second matrix that contains the corresponding p-values.
I wonder how I could threshold the test-statistic matrix in a “good way” by also taking the spatial covariance into account.
The easiest solution would be to apply some sort of multiple comparison correction (e.g. FDR) but that would not take the spatial structure into account and seems to be to conservative. At the same time, I know that there are toolboxes like the NBS-Toolbox (also available in R now apparently), but they seem to:
1.) be tailored to voxel-/vertex wise matrices using Random Field Theory to inform about spatial covariance? As I use parcel-wise data, I am not sure if this can be applied here…
2.) be tailored to undirected matrices, and I am also not sure if those toolboxes can handle asymmetric (= directed) adjacency matrices?
Here’s an illustration of how the stats input matrix could look like: