Hi! Inspired by the insightful discussion from this previous post, I’ve adapted a script to generate a binary mask within nilearn’s GM mask employing scikit-learn’s k-nearest neighbors (KNN). In the KNN algorithm, the cluster_size
is defined around a specified number of seeds
represented by MNI coordinates. The script snippets are provided below.
Now, I’m seeking assistance regarding this challenge: How can I create a binary mask, ensuring that KNN creates clusters around each seed by at least a centimeter in geodesic space? Since geodesic distance is required, I assume the mask should be created in surface space and I am already struggling in mapping MNI coordinates onto the surface space.
Any insights and guidance are highly appreciated!
# Binary mask delimited to GM created via scikit-learn nearest-neighbors
## Function: Get in-mask coordinates ###########################################
def _get_mask_coords(mask_img):
'''Get in-mask voxel coordinates'''
mask, affine = nl.masking._load_mask_img(mask_img)
# get data indices for all '1' voxels inside mask data array
mask_data_indices = np.asarray(np.nonzero(mask)).T.tolist()
print('Mask data indices :', mask_data_indices)
# return coordinates for those '1' voxels
mask_coords = np.asarray(list(zip(*mask_data_indices)))
mask_coords = nl.image.coord_transform(mask_coords[0],
mask_coords = np.asarray(mask_coords).T
return mask_coords
mask_coords = _get_mask_coords(gm_mask)
## Loop for nearest-neighbors ##################################################
for cluster_size in cluster_sizes:
cluster_arrays = []
cluster_arrays_summed = None
for seed in seeds:
clf = skl.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=cluster_size)
nearest_neighbors = clf.fit(mask_coords).kneighbors_graph([seed]).A
# Sum the adjacency matrices for each seed
if cluster_arrays_summed is None:
cluster_arrays_summed = nearest_neighbors
cluster_arrays_summed += nearest_neighbors
# inverse-transform cluster arrays
masker = nl.maskers.NiftiMasker(mask_img=gm_mask)
clusters_mask_img = masker.inverse_transform(cluster_arrays_summed.ravel())
# Show results
nl.plotting.plot_roi(clusters_mask_img, title=f'Mask with clusters of {cluster_size} voxels')
print(f'Cluster {cluster_size} voxels, non-zero voxels', np.count_nonzero(clusters_mask_img.get_fdata()))
print(f'Cluster {cluster_size} voxels, non-zero voxels', np.unique(clusters_mask_img.get_fdata()))
# Binarize image
clusters_mask_img_bin = nl.image.binarize_img(clusters_mask_img)
# Save volume
img2save = nib.Nifti1Image(clusters_mask_img_bin.get_fdata(), template.affine, template.header)
nib.save(img2save, os.path.join(basedir, f'mask_clusters{cluster_size}vox.nii.gz'))
# Delete variables created in each iteration
del (clf, nearest_neighbors, masker, clusters_mask_img, clusters_mask_img_bin, img2save)