Criteria for tags with list - ImageType


I have a simple task to complete. My datasets consist of MRangio and MIP images. I would like to structure to BIDS only the MRA files or keep the MIP files with a new suffix. The only way to find the MIP is to check the ImageType tag. If any value in the ImageType tag is equal to “PROJECTION IMAGE”, then the image is a MIP.
For example:
Please help me write a pattern that will parse the list with ImageType so I can filter out the MIPs - whether as new files or just skip them.

I have tried:

"criteria": {
            "ImageType": ".*PROJECT IMAGE.*"

But it doesn’t work :thinking:

Hi @annonymous_bidser, and welcome to neurostars!

From my (limited) understanding of angiography, MIP is a reconstruction of your scanner data. Thus, you may not want a new suffix, but rather assign it a different reconstruction label, e.g., rec-MIP (which would be a custom entity name in dcm2bids). You’ll need to, in that case, specify the full ImageType criteria in the config item with the rec-MIP custom entity, for each MIP file. But if you want to not BIDSify your MIP data, then you can just not include "PROJECTION IMAGE" in your ImageType criteria, but you can still explicitly define the ImageType for the file you want to BIDSify.
