Datalad update says update(ok) but does nothing


as a novice in datalad I ran across an error I can’t seem to solve. If I run datalad update -s origin be it recursive or not, it works seemingly seemlessly:

[INFO   ] Fetching updates for Dataset(/home/my_dataset) 
update(ok): . (dataset)
[INFO   ] Fetching updates for Dataset(/home/my_dataset/data/another_dataset) 
update(ok): data/another_dataset (dataset)

but it does not do anything, so nothing is changed. However, git pull works normal.
Any clues why this could be the case?

As I lack ideas what could help you, I’ll append the output of datalad wtf

## configuration <SENSITIVE, report disabled by configuration>
## credentials 
  - keyring: 
    - active_backends: 
      - PlaintextKeyring with no encyption v.1.0 at /home/USRNAME/.local/share/python_keyring/keyring_pass.cfg
    - config_file: /home/USRNAME/.config/python_keyring/keyringrc.cfg
    - data_root: /home/USRNAME/.local/share/python_keyring
## datalad 
  - version: 1.0.1
## dataset 
  - branches: 
    - git-annex@45daddb
    - main@16cab3c
  - id: bb538448-644d-4e6f-82c0-cba7b9a2e0c1
  - path: /home/USRNAME/_system/optimal_preplanning
  - repo: AnnexRepo
## dependencies 
  - annexremote: 1.6.5
  - boto: 2.49.0
  - cmd:7z: 16.02
  - cmd:annex: 10.20230626-g8594d49
  - cmd:bundled-git: UNKNOWN
  - cmd:git: 2.44.0
  - cmd:ssh: 9.3p1
  - cmd:system-git: 2.44.0
  - cmd:system-ssh: 9.3p1
  - humanize: 4.9.0
  - iso8601: 2.1.0
  - keyring: 25.2.0
  - keyrings.alt: 5.0.1
  - msgpack: 1.0.7
  - platformdirs: 4.2.1
  - requests: 2.31.0
## environment 
  - GIT_ASKPASS: /home/USRNAME/.vscode-server/bin/b58957e67ee1e712cebf466b995adf4c5307b2bd/extensions/git/dist/
  - LANG: C.UTF-8
  - PATH: …
## extensions 
## git-annex 
  - build flags: 
    - Assistant
    - Webapp
    - Pairing
    - Inotify
    - DBus
    - DesktopNotify
    - TorrentParser
    - MagicMime
    - Benchmark
    - Feeds
    - Testsuite
    - S3
    - WebDAV
  - dependency versions: 
    - aws-0.22
    - bloomfilter-
    - cryptonite-0.29
    - DAV-1.3.4
    - feed-
    - ghc-8.10.7
    - http-client-0.7.9
    - persistent-sqlite-
    - torrent-10000.1.1
    - uuid-1.3.15
    - yesod-
  - key/value backends: 
    - SHA256E
    - SHA256
    - SHA512E
    - SHA512
    - SHA224E
    - SHA224
    - SHA384E
    - SHA384
    - SHA3_256E
    - SHA3_256
    - SHA3_512E
    - SHA3_512
    - SHA3_224E
    - SHA3_224
    - SHA3_384E
    - SHA3_384
    - SKEIN256E
    - SKEIN256
    - SKEIN512E
    - SKEIN512
    - BLAKE2B256E
    - BLAKE2B256
    - BLAKE2B512E
    - BLAKE2B512
    - BLAKE2B160E
    - BLAKE2B160
    - BLAKE2B224E
    - BLAKE2B224
    - BLAKE2B384E
    - BLAKE2B384
    - BLAKE2BP512E
    - BLAKE2BP512
    - BLAKE2S256E
    - BLAKE2S256
    - BLAKE2S160E
    - BLAKE2S160
    - BLAKE2S224E
    - BLAKE2S224
    - BLAKE2SP256E
    - BLAKE2SP256
    - BLAKE2SP224E
    - BLAKE2SP224
    - SHA1E
    - SHA1
    - MD5E
    - MD5
    - WORM
    - URL
    - X*
  - local repository version: 10
  - operating system: linux x86_64
  - remote types: 
    - git
    - gcrypt
    - p2p
    - S3
    - bup
    - directory
    - rsync
    - web
    - bittorrent
    - webdav
    - adb
    - tahoe
    - glacier
    - ddar
    - git-lfs
    - httpalso
    - borg
    - hook
    - external
  - supported repository versions: 
    - 8
    - 9
    - 10
  - upgrade supported from repository versions: 
    - 0
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
    - 4
    - 5
    - 6
    - 7
    - 8
    - 9
    - 10
  - version: 10.20230626-g8594d49
## location 
  - path: /home/USRNAME/_system/optimal_preplanning
  - type: dataset
## metadata.extractors 
## metadata.filters 
## metadata.indexers 
## python 
  - implementation: CPython
  - version: 3.11.9
## system 
  - distribution: ubuntu/20.04/focal
  - encoding: 
    - default: utf-8
    - filesystem: utf-8
    - locale.prefered: UTF-8
  - filesystem: 
    - CWD: 
      - max_pathlength: 4096
      - mount_opts: rw,relatime,discard,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered
      - path: /home/USRNAME/_system/optimal_preplanning
      - type: ext4
    - HOME: 
      - max_pathlength: 4096
      - mount_opts: rw,relatime,discard,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered
      - path: /home/USRNAME
      - type: ext4
    - TMP: 
      - max_pathlength: 4096
      - mount_opts: rw,relatime,discard,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered
      - path: /tmp
      - type: ext4
  - max_path_length: 307
  - name: Linux
  - release:
  - type: posix
  - version: #1 SMP Wed Mar 2 00:30:59 UTC 2022

Thank you a lot in advance!

By default an update does the same as a git-fetch. Check the --how and --how-subds arguments for various modes to apply fetched updates.