I am currently running a job using QSIPrep, and I would also like to run FreeSurfer as well. Below is the list of arguments that I am using for the SLURM command:
"--output-resolution 1",
"--omp-nthreads 4",
"--anat-modality T1w",
"--nthreads 8",
"--anatomical-template MNI152NLin2009cAsym",
This is the expected QSIPrep output with FreeSurfer:
├── sub-<participant_id>/
│ ├── anat/
│ ├── dwi/
│ ├── freesurfer/
│ ├── mri/
│ ├── surf/
│ ├── label/
│ ├── stats/
│ ├── scripts/
│ └── ...
└── ...
For some reason, the FreeSurfer output directory is not generated after the job completes. am i missing anything ?
Thank you
October 2, 2024, 5:05pm
Hi @trinhdh and welcome to neurostars!
Qsiprep does not do freesurfer or rely on it. On the other hand, Qsirecon can use already made recon-all
outputs for certain pipelines.
Thanks for responding.
Also i have a quick question, i was using docker container from https://hub.docker.com/r/pennbbl/qsiprep/tags with the tag 0.23.0.
here is my build command
singularity build qsiprep.0.23.0.sif docker://pennbbl/qsiprep:0.23.0
However, when i ran the job using the qsiprep.0.23.0.sif , i saw this message in the slurm output file
241002-19:18:31,601 nipype.workflow IMPORTANT:
Running QSIPrep version 0.23.1.dev0+g634483f.d20240830
License NOTICE ##################################################
QSIPrep 0.23.1.dev0+g634483f.d20240830
Copyright The PennLINC Developers.
The version display 0.23.1dev …
Not sure if this is a mistake or i am missing anything
Thank you,
October 3, 2024, 12:50am
Hi @trinhdh ,
Nothing to worry about, there was an internal issue with how the versioning label appeared but with your build command you got the right container.
Great. Thanks for responding. Sorry i should have put this topic in different question.