Hi everyone, I’d appreciate your help regrading trouble I’m having with fMRIprep
Summary of what happened:
I ran the minimal level version of fMRIprep and was missing the files of the templates such as “sub-01_desc-aparcaseg_dseg.nii” and “sub-01_desc-aseg_dseg.nii”
I thought it might has to do with me running it in its minimal version so I tried running it again at full version but the problem recurred and even more concerning, I realized I don’t have the MNI transformed files either - no “sub-01_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-brain_mask.nii”
If I understood correctly the documentation at fmriprep version documentation fMRIPrep uses MNI152NLin2009cAsym as standardization reference by default, why wasn’t it the case now?
Also, will putting MNI in output space create the desc-aparcaseg_dseg.nii as well?
For some reason it longer creates these files, at least not by default.
Why doesn’t it do it automatically as it used to? Does anyone know about an arguement I’m missing when running fMRIPrep?
**Many thanks to @‘effigies’ who helped me find an older thread about converting the .mgz files to nifti in this post, allowing me to continue my work in the meantime
I am having the same issue. I can also use the workaround and additionally preprocess the aparc+aseg.mgz file in the sourcedata/freesurfer/sub-XX/mri folder, but why doesn’t fmriprep create the desc-aparcaseg_dseg.nii.gz files?
@gusma From what I’ve discovered, the last version of fMRIPrep that still creates the desc-aparcaseg_dseg.nii.gz files is version 23.1.4. However, running that version creates tons of files in the work folder (multiple TBs worth of space). I’m guessing that’s part of why they refactored the code base, but no version since then outputs these files automatically or even has a flag that you can request them with. Hopefully that will get fixed soon. For now, the options seem to be to run an older version and clean up the work folder as you go, or run a newer version and manually run the transforms on the aparc+aseg.mgz files from the freesurfer output.