Dimensions of xcp_d-derived *_timeseries.tsv


I just wanted to verify: the number of rows of the output *-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_atlas-<atlas_name>_timeseries.tsv file after running xcp_d on fMRIPrep-preprocessed data, is not always equal to the number of TRs, but rather to the number of TRs that have not been deemed as outliers (as per the *_outliers.tsv file), right?

I was wondering because the latter tsv file appears to have a number of rows that is equal to the total number of TRs, but the number of rows on the *_timeseries.tsv file appears to be equal (in my analyses at least) to the (total number of TRs) - (the number of TRs that were given a value of 1 in the *_outliers.tsv file).

Thank you in advance!


That’s correct. The timeseries file will only contain non-outlier volumes and the correlation matrices are calculated only from those non-outlier volumes as well.

Perfect, thank you so much! And to verify one last thing: the ordering of volumes in the *_outliers.tsv file is in ascending order (i.e., row 10 corresponds to the 10th volume of the fMRI scan), right?


Yes, that is correct.

Awesome, thanks once again (and also for the great software)!
