DKT atlas labels on FreeSurfer and C-PAC matching

Hello everyone!
We would like to use the timeseries from DKT atlas obtained with C-PAC to get connectivity features and structural information from the same atlas using FreeSurfer.
However, we noticed that the number of ROIs is different, and we were not able to find a correspondence between the label of the ROIs to see whether the same ids effectively correspond to the same region.

We found the label list related to FreeSurfer (Mindboggle — Mindboggle 1.3.8 documentation) and the metadata from the neuropark repository (neuroparc/atlases/label/Human/Metadata-json/DKT_space-MNI152NLin6_res-1x1x1.json at master · neurodata/neuroparc · GitHub) which to our understanding is used by C-PAC. Unfortunately, the latter does not have the label names for each ROI.

I’d appreciate any help/tips on how to solve this issue!

Thank you very much,
Gianmarco Tiddia


I am trying to understand what anatomical labels cpac’s output refers when writing “Mean 1, Mean 2, Mean 3…” in the timeseries of the DKT atlas. For other atlases, for example Harvard-Oxford, there are the corresponding of the ROIs IDs and anatomical label in a csv file, which is something that seems to be missing for DKT atlas. There is a way to find some kind of legend in order to associate the ROIS IDS in .1D file to the anatomical labels?

Thank you!

Best regards

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Hi @fmainas @gmtiddia ,

Thanks for reaching out! Our team is looking for a resource that will give you the DKT atlas labels you’re looking for. In the meantime, maybe this table containing the atlases and number of ROIs included in Neuroparc will be helpful?


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Hi @tamsinrogers thank you for your time.
Unfortunately, the table you mentioned isn’t helpful. However, if your team can provide the resource with the DKT atlas label that we need, it would be greatly appreciated and extremely useful.

Thank you!

Hi @fmainas,

No problem, I will update you as soon as we locate the label resource.
