1: [ERR] "SliceTiming" value/s contains invalid value as it is greater than RepetitionTime. SliceTiming values should be in seconds not milliseconds (common mistake). (code: 66 - SLICETIMING_VALUES_GREATOR_THAN_REPETITION_TIME)
Evidence: 1255, 1322.5, 70, 1392.5, 137.5, 1462.5, 207.5, 1532.5, 277.5, 1602.5, 347.5, 1672.5, 417.5, 1742.5, 487.5, 1812.5, 557.5, 1882.5, 627.5, 1950, 695, 2020, 765, 2090, 835, 2160, 905, 2230, 975, 2300, 1045, 2370, 1115, 2440, 1185
Here’s the relevant file:
"RepetitionTime": 2.5,
"TaskName": "Matched visual stimulus",
"Manufacturer": "Siemens",
"ManufacturersModelName": "TrioTim",
"MagneticFieldStrength": 3.0,
"HardcopyDeviceSoftwareVersion": "syngo MR B17",
"ReceiveCoilName": "Invivo 8-channel",
"PulseSequenceType": "Gradient echo EPI",
"PulseSequenceDetails": "SequenceName is epfid2d1_64",
"ParallelReductionFactorInPlane": 2,
"EffectiveEchoSpacing": 0.0004699954987,
"PhaseEncodingDirection": "j-",
"EchoTime": 0.03,
"SliceTiming": [1255, 0, 1322.5, 70, 1392.5, 137.5, 1462.5, 207.5, 1532.5, 277.5, 1602.5, 347.5, 1672.5, 417.5, 1742.5, 487.5, 1812.5, 557.5, 1882.5, 627.5, 1950, 695, 2020, 765, 2090, 835, 2160, 905, 2230, 975, 2300, 1045, 2370, 1115, 2440, 1185],
"FlipAngle": 80,
"Instructions": "During this scan you will see a yellow bar on the screen in front of you. The bar will move on your own and will not reflect your finger movements, but please try to use the finger device to track the movement of the bar as closely as you can.",
"TaskDescription": "The yellow bar is controlled by a stimulus vector which is matched to one of the subjects own prior pain rating runs, so this serves as a visuomotor control for their pain rating task but will differ from one subject to the next to the extent to which their pain rating reports differred."
Thanks in advance.