Hi, I am encountering an issue in CAT12/SPM12 during the “Basic Models” step of my second-level analysis. The error message appears as follows:
10-Dec-2024 16:56:10 - Running ‘Basic models’
Mapping files : …done
Design configuration : …done
Saving SPM configuration : …SPM.mat saved
Design reporting : 10-Dec-2024 16:56:23 - Failed ‘Basic models’
Error using matlab.graphics.axis.Axes/set
Invalid or deleted object.
In file “C:\MATLAB\R2024a\spm12\spm_DesRep.m” (v6351), function “spm_DesRep” at line 735.
In file “C:\MATLAB\R2024a\spm12\config\spm_run_factorial_design.m” (v7739), function “spm_run_factorial_design” at line 1073.
In file “C:\MATLAB\R2024a\spm12\toolbox\cat12\cat_conf_factorial.m” (???), function “cat_run_factorial_design” at line 1442.
The following modules did not run:
Failed: Basic models
Does anyone have experience with this error or suggestions on how to resolve it?