When using QSIPrep, there’s an issue with coregistering my DTI image and the T1w. What can I do to resolve this? I’ve already tried several combinations of the options available for dwi-to-Anatomical coregistration, and the bet is being done correctly.
Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):
Looking at that screenshot makes me wonder if there isn’t anything cropped off the raw DWI image. Do you have PA scans such that you can do better SDC?
Also --recon_input /home/pisa/Desktop/DTI/derivatives_75_AP is only needed if you are only doing recon (combined with --recon-only).
Hi Steve!
Sorry for not being in the lab at the moment. As soon as I’m there, I can send the screenshot. But I wanted to mention that I took a look at the RAW data and the DTI fits perfectly into the T1w image in native space.
Additionally, the FA map has a part of the skull (bet was not done correctly), but apparently everything is okay with the DTI.
Best regards!
Do you concatenate them in QSIPrep or afterwards? I see you have a BIDS AP, which implies you might be separating your data, which would not be recommended.
I ran qsiprep again as instructed, but I’m still encountering an error with image registration. I also attempted to perform BET on the DWI images prior to execution, but all my attempts yielded the same outcome.