Error running fmriprep: No BOLD images found for participant


I’m attempting to run fmriprep for one participant on an HPC cluster, but am persistently getting the error: “Exception: No BOLD images found for participant 006 and task . All workflows require BOLD images.” I believe the dataset is BIDS valid; I converted the data to BIDS format using Heudiconv, and when I run a bids validator, I get one warning saying “Tabular file contains custom columns not described in a data dictionary.”

I’m using a script that loads all the programs needed to run fmriprep, and then runs fmriprep using the arguments passed to the script. So I’m executing the command:

source /gpfs/scratch/dpp5430/ /gpfs/scratch/dpp5430/Danieloutput /gpfs/scratch/dpp5430/fmriprepOut participant --participant_label 006 is the script, Danieloutput is the BIDS directory, and fmriprepOut is my output directory.
In the script, fmriprep is being run with the statement:

fmriprep “$@”

When I echo “$@”, I get all the arguments as they’re supposed to appear.

Any thoughts on what could be happening?


fMRIPrep did not find workable BOLD files for participant 006 - you could be pointing it to the wrong directory, your dataset is not BIDS-compliant or sub-006 doesn’t contain any bold data.

Thanks for the reply. I thought those might be issues, but the dataset is BIDS-compliant, and I’m pointing it to a directory with the dataset. A folder for sub-006 is at the top level of the directory, and it has BOLD data (nifti files). Is there anything else that could be going wrong?

It looks to me like fMRIPrep is looking for a particular task (''). Does maybe require a task-id and default to None or an empty string?

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There was actually a typo in my original post. The error is “Exception: No BOLD images found for participant 006 and task all. All workflows require BOLD images.” The “all” has < > characters around it, but for some reason when I put those around it it no longer shows up in the post. I don’t think the doesn’t require a task id - it just passes whatever arguments you give it to the fmriprep call. Sorry for the typo

What is the output of tree /gpfs/scratch/dpp5430/Danieloutput? (btw. this is a pretty suspicious name for an input folder).

Haha yeah that is a suspicious name - it’s named that because it’s the output of a conversion to BIDS. I don’t have tree installed, and I don’t think I have permission to; I’m running this on my university’s HPC network using a lab account. Is there any other way I can get you the info you’re looking for?

You can use find /gpfs/scratch/dpp5430/Danieloutput. It won’t be as pretty but it should show the necessary file structure.





















































It doesn’t look like you have any functional data. Just single-band reference images.

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You’re right, I hadn’t noticed that. Thank you!