Error running MRIQC with Singularity image on cluster

Hi all,

I’m trying to run MRIQC (v.0.14.2) on a cluster using a Singularity image. Here’s the command I sent MRIQC:

singularity run $MRIQC $BIDS_DIR $OUT_DIR participant \
    --participant-label sub-03 \
    -m T1w bold \
    -w $WORK_DIR -vvv

But I received this error:

2018-11-03 00:13:41,245 mriqc:IMPORTANT 
    Running MRIQC version 0.14.2:
      * BIDS dataset path: /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data.
      * Output folder: /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/derivatives/mriqc.
      * Analysis levels: participant.
2018-11-03 00:13:41,246 mriqc:INFO Participant level started. Checking BIDS dataset...
2018-11-03 00:13:45,104 mriqc:CRITICAL MRIQC did not find any target image file under the given BIDS folder (/scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data). Please ensure that the dataset is BIDS valid at .
2018-11-03 00:13:45,106 mriqc:WARNING The following BIDS entities were selected as filters: --participant-label sub-03, --modalities T1w bold. Please, check whether their combinations are possible.

I’m not sure that the issue is my data structure. I ran a relatively recent version of the BIDS validator (2018/5/19) on my dataset, and it spotted no problems, and I’ve managed to run fmriprep on these data with no issues. Based on previous threads, I tried binding /scratch (and other variations) using the -B flag, but I got the same error:

singularity -B /scratch/groups/hyo:/scratch/groups/hyo run $MRIQC $BIDS_DIR $OUT_DIR participant \
    --participant-label sub-03 \
    -m T1w bold \
    -w $WORK_DIR -vvv

2018-11-03 00:19:46,386 mriqc:IMPORTANT 
    Running MRIQC version 0.14.2:
      * BIDS dataset path: /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data.
      * Output folder: /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/derivatives/mriqc.
      * Analysis levels: participant.
2018-11-03 00:19:46,386 mriqc:INFO Participant level started. Checking BIDS dataset...
2018-11-03 00:19:49,990 mriqc:CRITICAL MRIQC did not find any target image file under the given BIDS folder (/scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data). Please ensure that the dataset is BIDS valid at .
2018-11-03 00:19:49,992 mriqc:WARNING The following BIDS entities were selected as filters: --participant-label sub-03, --modalities T1w bold. Please, check whether their combinations are possible.

Any advice? Thanks in advance!

I would run singularity shell and find out whether the data directory is visible from within the container (i.e. /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data has all sub-* under).

Thanks for the tip! I just tried this, and I can see all subject directories and image files from within the container. I still get the error, though. What would you suggest I try next?

Then, from within the container (i.e. using singularity exec) I would run mriqc:

ls /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/sub-03/{anat,func}
mriqc /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/derivatives/mriqc --participant-label sub-03 -w /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/work/mriqc -vvv

Running ls within the container works:

singularity exec mriqc_0.14.2.img ls /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/sub-03/anat
singularity exec mriqc_0.14.2.img ls /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/sub-03/func
sub-03_task-self_run-01_bold.json    sub-03_task-test_run-02_bold.json
sub-03_task-self_run-01_bold.nii.gz  sub-03_task-test_run-02_bold.nii.gz
sub-03_task-self_run-02_bold.json    sub-03_task-train_run-01_bold.json
sub-03_task-self_run-02_bold.nii.gz  sub-03_task-train_run-01_bold.nii.gz
sub-03_task-test_run-01_bold.json    sub-03_task-train_run-02_bold.json
sub-03_task-test_run-01_bold.nii.gz  sub-03_task-train_run-02_bold.nii.gz

But running mriqc doesn’t:

singularity exec mriqc_0.14.2.img mriqc /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/derivatives/mriqc participant --participant-label sub-03 -w /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/work/mriqc -vvv
2018-11-05 16:55:24,909 mriqc:IMPORTANT 
    Running MRIQC version 0.14.2:
      * BIDS dataset path: /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data.
      * Output folder: /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/derivatives/mriqc.
      * Analysis levels: participant.
2018-11-05 16:55:24,910 mriqc:INFO Participant level started. Checking BIDS dataset...
2018-11-05 16:55:30,046 mriqc:CRITICAL MRIQC did not find any target image file under the given BIDS folder (/scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data). Please ensure that the dataset is BIDS valid at .
2018-11-05 16:55:30,048 mriqc:WARNING The following BIDS entities were selected as filters: --participant-label sub-03, --modalities T1w bold T2w. Please, check whether their combinations are possible.

Okay, sorry, can you give it a try without sub-?:

singularity -B /scratch/groups/hyo:/scratch/groups/hyo run \
    /home/groups/russpold/singularity_images/poldracklab_mriqc_0.14.2-2018-08-21-070e53b20a43.img \
    /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data \
    /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/BIDS_data/derivatives/mriqc \
    --participant-label 03 -w /scratch/groups/hyo/OPUS/work/mriqc -vvv
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That fixed it, thank you!

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Hi Oesteban,
I’m following along trying to resolve my error with mriqc using singularity and in my singularity ls does not show the subjects. What is the fix in this case? (I thought I manually bound my directory but it seems not to have worked?).

If you need me to provide further information/ error messages I’d be more than happy to add it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated (I’ve been stuck on this a long time).

(Just in case you are able to help I thought I’d pre-emptively share my command here. I’ve tried various iterations (e.g. most of my attempts have not used 2 -B arguments) but thought I’d share my most complete attempt here.
bids_root_dir= /home/kgeier/projects/rrg-brad/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep
mem=10 #gb

export SINGULARITYENV_TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME=/home/kgeier/templateflow
singularity run -B ${TEMPLATEFLOW_HOME:-$HOME/.cache/templateflow}:/home/kgeier/
templateflow -B HOME:/home/kgeier/ --cleanenv /home/kgeier/mriqc-0.15.1.simg /home/kgeier/projects/rrg -brad/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep /home/kgeier/projects/rrg-brad/shared/users/r olsen/face_rep/derivatives/mriqc/sub-{subj} participant --participant_label ${s
ubj} --n_proc $nthreads --hmc-fsl --correct-slice-timing --mem_gb $mem --float32
–ants-nthreads $nthreads -w bids_root_dir/derivatives/mriqc/sub-{subj}

Here’s an excerpt of the error I get :
Running MRIQC version 0.15.1:
* BIDS dataset path: /project/6019291/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep.
* Output folder: /project/6019291/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep/derivatives/mriqc/sub-1002.
* Analysis levels: participant.

Process Process-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/miniconda/lib/python3.7/”, line 1241, in mkdir
self._accessor.mkdir(self, mode)
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/project/6019291/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep/derivatives/mriqc/sub-1002/logs’

OSError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: ‘/project’

I think I’ve resolved the issue!
I’ll post what I got working below in case it helps others. It was an issue with proper binding as I suspected but my attempts to fix it weren’t correct :confused:

singularity run --cleanenv -B /home -B /scratch -B /project -B /project/6019291/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep/derivatives -B HOME:/home/kgeier /home/kgeier/mriqc-0.15.1.simg /home/kgeier/projects/rrg-brad/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep /home/kgeier/projects/rrg-brad/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep/derivatives/mriqc/sub-{subj} participant --participant_label ${subj} --n_proc $nthreads --hmc-fsl --correct-slice-timing --mem_gb $mem --float32 --ants-nthreads nthreads -w /home/kgeier/project/6019291/shared/users/rolsen/face_rep/derivatives/mriqc/sub-{subj}
(variable defined previously in script)

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