Summary of what happened:
Hello everyone,
I’m running into an error when attempting to process certain sessions through fMRIPrep (version 24.1.0) using Singularity.
I run sessions individually using filter files. Interestingly, these sessions ran through fMRIPrep successfully before I tried populating the IntendedFor field in the fmap files. Here’s what I’m doing:
- I am populating the IntendedFor field by listing all functional files for the session in the field. However, I’m unsure if this is the correct approach.
- I notice that the sessions that run correctly have the IntendedFor field populated as shown below (with the subject ID and task names anonymized):
"IntendedFor": [
The key file in this setup is:
For the sessions that are throwing errors, they either have a run-01 and run-02 version of this file, or they do not have this file at all.
Can anyone shed light on what might be going wrong or what adjustments I need to make to the IntendedFor field? Is this field being populated correctly, and could this be causing the issue? I would appreciate any insights on resolving the error!
I’m happy to provide additional information if needed. Thank you in advance!
Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):
singularity run --cleanenv \
-B <filepaths> \
$fmriprep \
${bidsD} ${derD} participant \
--participant-label sub-${subject} \
--output-spaces fsaverage fsnative T1w MNI152NLin2009cAsym \
--longitudinal \
--work-dir ${workD} \
--cifti-output \
--dummy-scans 3 \
--fs-license-file ${fsLicense} \
--ignore slicetiming \
--md-only-boilerplate \
--mem_mb 30000 \
--bids-filter-file ${filterFile} \
--fs-subjects-dir ${derD}/freesufer
Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):
Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:
1: [ERR] The number of volumes in this scan does not match the number of volumes in the corresponding .bvec and .bval files. (code: 29 - VOLUME_COUNT_MISMATCH)
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
2: [ERR] You have to define 'TaskName' for this file. (code: 50 - TASK_NAME_MUST_DEFINE)
... and 826 more files having this issue (Use --verbose to see them all).
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
3: [ERR] A stimulus file was declared but not found in the dataset. (code: 52 - STIMULUS_FILE_MISSING)
@ line: 2 character: 3
Evidence: red_arrow.jpg
@ line: 5 character: 3
Evidence: green_arrow.jpg
@ line: 18 character: 3
Evidence: grey_doublearrow.jpg
@ line: 2 character: 3
Evidence: red_arrow.jpg
@ line: 5 character: 3
Evidence: green_arrow.jpg
@ line: 18 character: 3
Evidence: grey_doublearrow.jpg
@ line: 2 character: 3
Evidence: green_arrow.jpg
@ line: 4 character: 3
Evidence: red_arrow.jpg
@ line: 8 character: 3
Evidence: grey_doublearrow.jpg
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
4: [ERR] Bold scans must be 4 dimensional. (code: 54 - BOLD_NOT_4D)
Evidence: header field "dim" = 3,104,104,72
Evidence: header field "dim" = 3,104,104,72
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
5: [ERR] NIfTI file's header is missing time dimension information. (code: 75 - NIFTI_PIXDIM4)
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
1: [WARN] Task scans should have a corresponding events.tsv file. If this is a resting state scan you can ignore this warning or rename the task to include the word "rest". (code: 25 - EVENTS_TSV_MISSING)
... and 332 more files having this issue (Use --verbose to see them all).
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
2: [WARN] Not all subjects contain the same files. Each subject should contain the same number of files with the same naming unless some files are known to be missing. (code: 38 - INCONSISTENT_SUBJECTS)
Evidence: Subject: sub-XXXX02; Missing file: sub-XXXX02_ses-V1_acq-dir98_dir-AP_dwi.bval
Evidence: Subject: sub-XXXX02; Missing file: sub-XXXX02_ses-V1_acq-dir98_dir-AP_dwi.bvec
Evidence: Subject: sub-XXXX02; Missing file: sub-XXXX02_ses-V1_acq-dir98_dir-AP_dwi.json
Evidence: Subject: sub-XXXX02; Missing file: sub-XXXX02_ses-V1_acq-dir99_dir-AP_dwi.bval
Evidence: Subject: sub-XXXX02; Missing file: sub-XXXX02_ses-V1_acq-dir99_dir-AP_dwi.bvec
Please visit for existing conversations about this issue.
Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):
"Sophisticated PEPOLAR schemes are unsupported."
Screenshots / relevant information:
Types of fieldmap and the tree
directory structure output for a failing subject. ses-V2 failed, the other sessions worked.
Let me know if you need further adjustments!