Error using decoding_describe_data

Hi TDT team,

I’m trying to conduct searchlight analysis using beta-values from the univariate analysis. I’ve checked the regressor names using function: regressor_names=design_from_spm(beta_dir), but when the function decoding_describe_data is run, MATLAB keeps giving me this error:
Error using decoding_describe_data (line 222)
Could not find any file associated with label ‘Sn(1)Atypical_fruit*bf(1)’. Check input label names
(case sensitive!)!
Error in test (line 15)
cfg = decoding_describe_data(cfg,labelnames,labels,regressor_names,beta_loc);

Right now I have code:
labelnames = {‘Sn(1)Atypical_fruitbf(1)’,'Sn(1)Typical_fruitbf(1)’,‘Sn(2)Atypical_fruitbf(1)’,'Sn(2)Typical_fruitbf(1)’};
labels = [-1,1,-1,1];

Could someone guide me on why this keeps happening? Thank you very much!


Hi Ran,

I think you are not using the names you gave the regressors originally but the actual regressor names used by SPM. Try leaving out the bf(1) and Sn(1) parts, use only ‘typical fruit’ and ‘atypical fruit” and just use labels [1 -1]


Hi Martin,

Thanks for replying so quickly! I tried this the first time and it showed the same message…
Error using decoding_describe_data (line 222)
Could not find any file associated with label ‘Atypical_fruit’. Check input label names (case sensitive!)!
Error in test (line 15)
cfg = decoding_describe_data(cfg,labelnames,labels,regressor_names,beta_loc);

Is there another possible reason you could think of? Thank you!


Yes, this may not be the regressor names you picked in your study when you set up your SPM design. Try help display_regressor_names, I think it takes the directory of your betas as input. This will show you all available regressor names. Maybe it’s an issue with the case or the underscore? Else, perhaps you used the wrong path for beta_loc?
