Error while running aslprep in Neurodesk

Summary of what happened:


I am running aslprep through Neurodesk with the following command, and it shows the following error.

Not sure of what is happening. I have been running aslprep through neurodesk before and it is the first time it shows this error. Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Command used (and if a helper script was used, a link to the helper script or the command generated):

(base) jovyan@neurodesktop-2024-05-25:~$ ml aslprep
(base) jovyan@neurodesktop-2024-05-25:~$ aslprep \
neurodesktop-storage/Agueda/BIDS \
neurod esktop-storage/Agueda/BIDS/derivatives/aslprep \
participant \
--participant-label sub-320 sub-319 \
--force-bbr \
--basil \
--ignore t2w \
--fs-subjects-dir neurodesktop-storage/Agueda/BIDS/derivatives/freesurfer/sourcedata/freesurfer_pre/sourcedata \
--bids-filter-file neurodesktop-storage/Agueda/BIDS/BIDS_filter_file.json \
--fs-license-file neurodesktop-storage/Agueda/BIDS/license.txt \
--skip_bids_validation \
-vv \
-w neurodesktop-storage/Agueda/BIDS exec /opt/conda/envs/aslprep/bin/aslprep


Environment (Docker, Singularity / Apptainer, custom installation):


Data formatted according to a validatable standard? Please provide the output of the validator:


Relevant log outputs (up to 20 lines):

FATAL: exec /opt/conda/envs/aslprep/bin/aslprep failed: invalid argument

Screenshots / relevant information:

It seems like your error message is cut off before it can say the invalid argument. Are you sure that’s the whole message?

EDIT: Never mind, the invalid argument is exec. Is there a reason you have exec /opt/conda/envs/aslprep/bin/aslprep in your ASLPrep call?

In the end, we solve it by downgrading Docker desktop