I’ve been looking for a way to create a more accurate hull of the brain surface and just came across Mindboggle. I believe the surface wrapper created for the travel depth measure is exactly what I am looking for. Is there a way to export the surface wrapper? Thanks!
I agree that Mindboggle’s travel depth algorithm should provide a good wrapper surface for the brain. I asked Joachim Giard, who coded the C++ portions of Mindboggle, whether one can export the wrapper surface. He said one can, that in the main for depth, use
Great! Thank you! I see now that when running TravelDepthMain one of the options lets you output the wrapper mesh:
“Usage: TravelDepthMain [Options] InputVTKMesh MeanCurvatureOutput\n”
“Options: \n”
" -n: Normalize the output values beteween 0 and 1\n"
" -w outputWrapperMesh: export the wrapper mesh\n"
“Example: TravelDepthMain -n -w wrapper.vtk lh.pial.vtk lh.travel_depth.vtk \n”